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Underwood: Tweet Rage Over ‘Ag-Gag’ Bill

Underwood tweet rage

Underwood tweet rage

Underwood tweet rage: Carrie Underwood slammed lawmakers in Tennessee last week over the “ag-gag” bill. The “ag-gag” bill requires people with undercover video footage of farms to submit their unedited footage to law enforcement within 48 hours.

Carrie Underwood tweeted:

“Shame on TN lawmakers for passing the Ag Gag bill. If Gov. Bill Haslam signs this, he needs to expect me at his front door. Who’s with me?”

State Rep. Andy Holt, a Republican, slammed Underwood for the tweet.

“I would say that Carrie Underwood will stick to singing, I’ll stick to lawmaking,” he told WSMV.

Animal rights activists and others want Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam to veto the measure.

Holt, however, told that the bill is no different than current laws requiring the reporting of child abuse to authorities

“I think what we need to do is make sure and recognize that if animals are being abused it needs to come to justice, and it needs to come to justice quickly,” Holt told WSMV. “And that’s the intention of this bill, bar none. No matter what anybody tells you. That’s the intention of this legislation.”

Underwood has continued to ask Haslam to not sign the bill.

“@BillHaslam Please don’t sign the Ag Gag bill. Think about the welfare of the animals as well as the consumers. I’m begging you,” she said on Twitter.

She added, “It’s not all about big business. Please look out for the little guys! Show TN that you have a heart… #NoAgGag”

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