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Michael Jackson’s Secret Affair With Whitney Houston Revealed

Michael Jackson’s bodyguard, Matt Fiddes, the one who also claimed that Michael Jackson’s son Prince Michael II alias Blanket is his son has revealed some of the secrets of Michael Jackson’s life in an interview to The Sun.

Matt Fiddes has revealed the intimate details of Michael Jackson’s life, his addiction to prescription medicine, his impotence and details about his girl friends.

The surprising revelation is his relationship with Whitney Houston who also suffered a similar fate of Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson fell in love with Whitney Houston had a relationship with her which ended when she slept with his older brother Jermaine.

Michael Jackson in fact wanted to marry Whitney Houston.

This passion between two of the world’s most tragic stars is among a string of revelations about Jackson’s crazed life by his British bodyguard — who spoke to him three days before his death — and who lifted the lid on his most intimate secrets in a world exclusive interview with The Sun.

Multi-millionaire martial arts master Matt Fiddes said: “I loved Michael so much but I finally feel it’s time to get everything that horrified and upset me over the years off my chest. I also know this affair will end all the myths that Michael was some kind of child molester — he was a straight man.”

Fiddes, 32, said: “One of the many stories that has never been told about Michael is that he had an ultra-secret affair with Whitney Houston that he never got over.

“He was furious when he heard she had also slept with Jermaine but this didn’t stop him holding a candle for her his whole life.”

Fiddes said Jackson and Houston  met in 1991, when they were both global superstars. Jackson, then 33, had just renewed his recording contract with Sony. Houston — yet to spiral into crack cocaine addiction — was 28 and riding high on the worldwide success of her debut album which sold 25 million copies and contained mammoth hits including “Saving All My Love For You” and “How Will I Know.”

“They met because they were two of the biggest recording artists on the planet and mixing in the same circles. They instantly connected as kindred spirits because they understood each other’s massive fame,” Fiddes said. “Whitney practically moved in to Michael’s ranch and they had a fling like any other young couple. But Michael said later he had always hoped the relationship had gone further, and I know he dreamed of marrying her.”

You can read the complete interview at The Sun.


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