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Cops Swarm Ashton Kutcher’s Home!!

Ashton Kutcher’s House Swarmed by Cops After Apparent Prank Home Invasion Call

Ashton Kutcher's Los Angeles House That Cops Swarmed

Ashton Kutcher‘s home in Los Angeles was swarmed by the local police after they received complained that there was an apparent robbery in progress at his residence.

Within minutes of receiving a 911 call regarding a home invasion and a heist by armed gunmen, police surrounded and sealed-off Ashton Kutcher’s home.

But this appears to be a pathetic prank as no one was in the house when the police arrived.

Ashton Kutcher was not at home when this happened.

Law enforcement officials say a young woman called cops, supposedly hiding in a closet in the house, where “several Russian men with weapons” were in the midst of an alleged heist.

But when police arrived on the scene, there was no criminal activity whatsoever.

Cops questioned three men who were found in the residence, but they turned out to be maintenance workers — not robbers.

Law enforcement sources tell Gossip Cop they’re now investigating the incident as a possible “swatting” prank, in which someone places a 911 call about a non-existent crime in order to provoke an emergency response.

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