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Celebrities Tweet About Election Day

Celebrities Tweet About Election DayCelebrities took Twitter to tweet their thoughts on the on-going 2012 Presidential Election.

Here are some of the tweets from your favorite stars:

Justin Bieber: im 18…but i cant vote…im Canadian.

Kim Kardashian: I’m filling out my voting card in a room filled w people,everyone is telling me their opinions! Vote how YOU want to vote & what YOU believe in not anybody else

Samantha Ronson: make sure to vote today- after that- prepare to enjoy at least 3 1/2 yrs of- wait- do u think twitter will be relevant in 2016?

Mike Tyson: Make your voice heard on Election Day.

Elizabeth Banks: You can REGISTER & VOTE in person at the polls today in Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Maine. Do it!

Khloe Kardashian: A democracy only works if we’re all active citizens! #Vote

Lena Dunham: Ladies, put on your voting best. May I plz see pics of your voting “looks”?

Ivanka Trump: Since Arabella joined her daddy to #vote this AM she’s been running around the house saying “vot vot.” What a little patriot! #ElectionDay

Ryan Seacrest: Ballot filled out, just gotta drop it off after work.

Katie Couric: In line to vote! Makes me feel big and strong! #YourVote

Diddy: Happy Election Day people! Let your voices be heard! Get up and #VOTE ! #forward

Russell Simmons: #WeVoteWeWin

Ian Somerhalder: “VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE.Be patient pls,its worth it.Workers at polling places move like molasses on a cold day(very slowly) unfortunately.”

Nicky Hilton: It’s Election Day, America! Get out there and vote!

Alicia Keys: Today’s the day!!!! We are a great people of great power!!! ;-) who voted already today???

Fergie: I have made my choice. My hope is 4 President @BarackObama 2 get reelected & get more time 2 turn this country around.#election2012 #ivoted

Randy Jackson: Go vote!

Peter Facinelli: Make sure u vote today. Ure vote counts and does make a difference.

Jeremy Piven: Get out and let them know where u stand! Come on now, who’s with me?

Eric Stonestreet: Its important that u vote today. But also; don’t forget to feed ur goat, dock ur boat, secure ur tote, and to hang up ur long hooded cape.

Mindy Kaling: In my movie Election Day dir by Garry Marshall I get engaged to Bradley Cooper in an voting booth. “I have a prop for you.” coos Bradley

Jack Osbourne: Ok, today is Election Day so real talk for a minute…who is voting for Rosanne Barr? Hahaha

Andy Cohen: took me an hour and a half to vote! Disco Ball aside, not an amazing system going on in the WV today. #Vote

Zoe Saldana: Don’t forget to vote today…every vote counts.

Lady Gaga: I voted! Did you?

Stacey Dash: What a wonderful present it will be to have you Inaugurated as The President Of The USA on my birthday 1/20/2013! God Speed! @MittRomney

Bill Maher: Hope u all remembered to set ur clocks back an hour last night. And if u vote Republican on Tuesday another 40 years.

Neil Patrick Harris: spend some time educating yourself to make informed choices. It’s your civic duty. Heee. I said duty.

Kourtney Kardashian: Don’t forget to VOTE!! You owe it to yourself and your country to educate yourself and VOTE.

Aziz Ansari: Had a good chuckle at the Illuminati meeting this morning about the “election” that is “tomorrow.” Hahaha! Have fun guys.

John Legend: Had a beautiful time in Cleveland today. So many people voting today! The lines were huge. They need to open up more early vote sites!

Alexis Bledel: 537 votes decided the 2000 election. Your vote could decide it in 2012. Make your voice heard for @BarackObama

Scooter Braun: ELECTION DAY tomorrow. Big Decision. Im going with TEAM JACOB

Kelly Clarkson: Hey everybody please go and vote today!

Jeffrey Ross: It’s been a tight race. But it’s not a sprint… it’s a marathon. And like in any marathon – I’m picking the guy from Kenya.

Chris Brown: VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Josh Hutcherson: this was my first time ever voting this year. it really is a great feeling to know I can make a difference. please, if you can, vote.

So, have you voted?

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