White House has just revealed that they have killed 2 innocent hostages who were held by Al-Qaeda. Their deaths is a result of a U.S. drone attack. U.S. drone strikes are so feared in the middle-east and Pakistan to an extent that locals actually fear clear sky and feel secure when it is cloudy as they know drones don’t fly during such ... Read More »
Why Germans Hate The U.S – Europe Trade Deal?
Germany witnessed thousands of people march against the planned free trade deal between Europe and the U.S., people from Berlin, Munich and many other cities had organized protests on Saturday. While this deal is being shunned across Europe, Germany seems to be dead-on against it. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will allow grater power for corporations and to ... Read More »
Gravity Payments Raises Min. Salary to $70K, CEO takes $1M Pay Cut!
Now, here is a model company that deserves our attention and business. Seattle based, Gravity Payments, a credit card processing firm’s CEO has decided to take a step nobody was willing to. Dan Price, the CEO of Gravity Payments took a $930,000 pay cut to increase the pay of the low level employees and raise the minimum salary of his ... Read More »
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Convicted On All 30 Counts in Boston Bombing
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been convicted as guilty on all 30 charges against him. He is punishable by death for 17 of the 30 counts. All that is left now is for a Federal Jury to decide whether he must be executed. The trail lasted for 15 days during which the government called 92 witnesses, displaying a gruesome scene of torn-off ... Read More »
Wall Street Journal Facebook Page Hacked!
The Wall Street Journal’s Facebook page was hacked today and fake news were posted. The account was quickly secured and the fake news were removed. The fake news that was posted when the account was hacked was reports that the US Air Force One has feared to have crashed as a air traffic controllers have lost contact with the pilot ... Read More »
Hillary Clinton to Run for 2016 President?
Hillary Clinton is keeping everyone guessing when it comes to this questions. She is not ready to give a direct answer but keeps hinting at it. In a recent interview with The Daily Show,she dropped tons of hits about running for 2016 President without actually saying she will. Right from the top of the interview segment, Stewart got the ball ... Read More »
Tallest Residential Building Coming to Manhattan?
The tallest residential building on eath might be coming to Manhattan. Leaked plans from the New York development blog YIMBY suggest this. The Nordstrom Tower will be 1775 feet tall and is slightly taller than the One World Trade Center which be 1479 feet tall. Current Tallest Residential Building: There are quite a lot of residential buildings taller than 1000 ... Read More »