Looks like after big G is in talks to buy Groupon after ‘rumored’ talks with Yahoo failed early this year. It also seems Google interest in Groupon will kindle others like Microsoft, Amazon, or eBay to have a look at it. Is Google adding online deals to its arsenal of acquisitions this year? According to a site called VatorNews, Google ... Read More »
Nintendo Wii struggling for sales
Last Christmas Nintendo Wii was the hottest selling gift. Everyone wanted it. It was cheap and loads of fun. It was everyone naturally choice when it came to gifting a gaming console. Sadly, things have changed a LOT. A year after with Christmas being less then a month away, Nintendo Wii doesn’t seems to be enjoying the royalty it enjoyed ... Read More »
First Planet discovered Outside our galaxy Milky Way
Exciting isn’t it. Yes! A new Giant shaped Gas planet has been detected from outside our galaxy “The milky way”. The planet is supposedly 25 percent larger than our Jupiter. Blimey! This is cool. The planet that revolves around a dwarf galaxy known as HIP 13044b has reportedly merged with our galaxy between six and nine billion years ago. It ... Read More »
New Planet found outside our Solar System
Astronomers claim to have discovered the first planet originating from outside our galaxy. The Jupiter-like planet, they say, is part of a solar system which once belonged to a dwarf galaxy. This dwarf galaxy was in turn devoured by our own galaxy, the Milky Way, according to a team writing in the academic journal Science. The star, called HIP 13044, ... Read More »
Facebook to open New Email System “Gmail Killer”
you heard it! There is a new member in Google’s rivalry list. After Microsoft, Yahoo, its now time for Facebook to get into rivalry with Google. How is that? Simple, Facebook, a brand that has 500 million loyal visitors on its database has a interesting new service for its visitors and that is FaceBook Email. The project is named as ... Read More »
New Camera that can detect the Invisible?
Chemists from the University of South Carolina are reportedly developing a camera that has the ability to see the invisible – be it bloodstains or any other substances. Called multimode imaging in the thermal infrared, they claim the new technology could help in crime scene investigations. Michael Myrick, Stephen Morgan and their graduate student colleagues said that the luminol test ... Read More »
iPad iOS 4.2 release date yet to be revealed!
Tick tock on the iPad iOS 4.2 release date, whose exact day is yet to be revealed but whose impending presence is close enough to reach out and grab a piece of. Now it comes down to the oddest of waiting periods: champagne delays. Go ahead and get ready to pop the cork, but your arm might grow tired before ... Read More »