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AT&T buys T-Mobile for $39bn deal

Deutsche Telekom has sold T-Mobile USA to rival AT&T for $39bn (£24bn), creating the largest US wireless network. The deal sent Deutsche Telekom’s shares to their biggest daily gain yet, and gives AT&T about 43% of the US mobile market. The deal still needs approval from regulators. It also gives the German telecoms giant the cash to buy backs shares ... Read More »

Facebook is now more popular then porn!

Now this is a achievement that Facebook can really brag about. Yes, its official Facebook is now more popular then porn sites. People prefer wasting their time in Facebook then in porn sites. This seems to be at least the trend in UK. British internet users prefer surfing at social networking sites then going to porn sites. I wonder what ... Read More »

Difference between Stack vs Heap memory

Stack Stack memory stores variable types in address’ in memory, these variables in programming are called local variables and are often stored for short amounts of time while a function/method block uses them to compute a task. Once a function/method has completed its cycle the reference to the variable in the stack is removed. Heap Heap memory stores all instances ... Read More »

Zombie Ants are Real!

Zombies seems to be no more a horror movie idea. It seems to have gotten real in ants according to National Geographic. This whole Zombie nature of the ants seems to be caused by one particular type of fungus that simply takes over the ant’s brain. But it doesn’t start feeding over other ants or no other zombie like behavior ... Read More »

Nasa Scientist Finds Evidence of Aliens!

Aliens do exist claims Nasa scientist Dr. Richard B. He also claims to have found proof. That astonishingly awesome claim comes from Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, who says he has found conclusive evidence of alien life — fossils of bacteria found in an extremely rare class of meteorite called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites. ... Read More »

Apple Unviels New Ipad 2

Tablets of the All, Finally Steve Job’s APPLE has released New Apple ipad 2. ipad 2 comes up with astonishing style with sports look with dual camera, more memory and Fast Processing Speed at the price of $499 comparatively Lesser than the other Tablet models like Xoom which varies between 500 to 799. iPad2 sports a dual-core, speed processor, the ... Read More »

Localphone Releases new Softphone!

Localphone releases new voip softphone for windows and Mac. Localphone which is said to be voip phone with unbelievable cheaper call rates around the globe, has come up with new softphone for pc with windows and MAC OS. New Features of the softphone said to be much more enhanced crystal clear calls through voip (voice over internet protocol) with low ... Read More »