Get ready for Extreme Weather across your cities, this is what the Climate Scientist are telling us.The scientist said to the top politicians, preparations will save lives and money otherwise weather extremes may overwhelm some locations, making some places uninhabitable. The Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a new special report on global warming and extreme weather after ... Read More »
SOPA,a.k.a, Stop Online Piracy Act to take away your Internet rights
The US senate is all set to pass a bill on Internet Censorship as known as SOPA. What is SOPA? Stop Online Piracy Act, SOPA, is a new description to the common house hold term dominance. This act will give the Internet Service provider extreme access to cancel the domain address of any website[ that you like] which has supposedly ... Read More »
Scientist create Invisibility Cloak using Mirage Effect
A group of Scientist from Texas have managed to create a technology that might one day hide an object. “We really can hide objects. … We can switch for a short moment and make it disappear,” said Ali Aliev, a physicist at UTD. Sounds like science fiction might one day see science face to face and challenge it!!! Experiment The ... Read More »
Zynga CEO Asks Workers To Give Back Stocks
During Zynga’s early days it gave out stocks to its workers to ensure encourage them to work harder for the company. Now the CEO seems to think that it was a bad move, now as Zynga is preparing to enter IPO. The Wall Street Journal said that Pincus, who gave out stock freely to keep top talent early on, developed ... Read More »
Adobe Kills Flash For Mobile Devices!
Adobe Systems Inc., has called for the death of Flash for mobile devices. Adobe is pulling Flash software for Web video and games from the browsers of mobile devices. This is really a game changing announcement. This was essentially why mobile device consumers preferred an Android over iOS. This also makes Apple the perfect choice. As they banned flash from ... Read More »
An iPad 2 That Costs $8 Million!
Why would anyone pay $8 Million for an iPad 2 ? To start with it is an iPad 2 and of course there are some other minor details such as gold, diamonds, dinosaur bones, ammolite(one of the rarest rocks in the world) and a bunch of other boring stuffs. Apple’s iPad line may be the most popular consumer tablets in ... Read More »
A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs
I grew up as an only child, with a single mother. Because we were poor and because I knew my father had emigrated from Syria, I imagined he looked like Omar Sharif. I hoped he would be rich and kind and would come into our lives (and our not yet furnished apartment) and help us. Later, after I’d met my ... Read More »