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Newbie point

Difference Between C++ and Java

Java Vs C++ Java does not support pointers.Pointer are inherently tricky to use and troublesome. Java does not support multiple Inheritances because it causes more problem than it solves.Instead Java supports multiple interface inheritance,which allows an objects must implement those method signature from different interfaces with the condition that the inheriting object must implement those inherited methods.The multiple interface inheritance ... Read More »

Difference between Static and Dynamic class loading

Static class loading: Classes are statically loaded with Java’s new operator. Car c= new Car(); A NoClassDefFoundException is thrown if a class is referenced with Java new operator but the runtime system cannot find the referenced class. Dynamic class loading: Dynamic loading is a technique for programatically invoking the function of a class loader at runtime. Done by Class.forName(String className); ... Read More »

Difference between Stack vs Heap memory

Stack Stack memory stores variable types in address’ in memory, these variables in programming are called local variables and are often stored for short amounts of time while a function/method block uses them to compute a task. Once a function/method has completed its cycle the reference to the variable in the stack is removed. Heap Heap memory stores all instances ... Read More »