Boeing 787 Dreamliner
After being delayed by almost 2 years, the Boeing 787 is all set to make its first flight today. The first flight of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is scheduled for 10 a.m. PT, 1 p.m. ET today.
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the most awaited flight and it has already been delayed for so long. It was set to make its first test flight in 2007. After all the delays its finally ready to make it. Well after all it faced a lot of problems from design issues to strikes and even shortage in bolts. Who would have guessed shortage in bolts could cause so much delay ?
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner has maximum seating capacity is between 290 and 330 passengers, depending on the model.
Boeing says the plane is more fuel-efficient compared to earlier Boeing airliners and will be the first major airliner to use composite materials for most of its construction.
To celebrate its first flight Boeing is all also going to make a live webcast of the whole event. Well, I don’t want to be watching a boring flight travel in my PC. I might have better things to do. But the take-off and landing will have some good celebrations.
For those who are interested in catching the 787 Webcast, go here :
Live Webcast: Watch Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s First Flight Online
Here are five facts about the 787 Dreamliner:
* The 787 Dreamliner promises greater fuel efficiency through the use of durable, light-weight composite materials.
* Planes in the 787 family have list prices between $150 million and $205.5 million.
* Boeing has taken orders for 840 Dreamliners.
* The most recent delay results from a structural problem within the side-of-body joint of the aircraft — the connection of the wing to the fuselage.
* The 787 will use 20 percent less fuel for comparable missions in similarly sized airplanes.
Boeing is hoping to restore its credibility as a good plane-maker.
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