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Michael Jackson first death Anniversary

June 25, 2009  probably a  day which History will not forget. The day which made history by the death of an icon “Michael Jackson” our MJ.

When i sit now to make a post for MJ’s first death Anniversary, i dont know where to begin with.

It seems like yesterday when we heard it in TV that you have  been hospitalized.  Within  a  flick of time its 1 year over.

You still remain in our heart Michael. This is what you have accomplished  your fans who still remember you throughout the world.  We Still Love you Michael “MJ” .

MJ fans are paying tribute all over the world to mark the death anniversary of MJ.  I still feel  odd to know that Michael is dead. Its like he is alive all the time.

I still feel so excited when i tuned it to your albums. My most favorite will always be Thriller.

Until there is Music, you will be Alive Michael and this is the Universal truth.

“Never say goodbye!!!”

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